
Mobile Website Design

Computer geeks who understand your business.

As you probably know, popularity of advanced mobile devices is exploding and the need for mobile-ready access to websites has become absolutely essential. According to industry reports, the mobile web design landscape will grow due to the growth of products like Apple’s iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, and Google’s Android platforms.

In response to the increase in mobile traffic, The Web Design Ninja offers custom mobile web design – a specific version of your website designed to work with “smartphones” and alternative mobile platforms in mind.

Through the use of Google Analytics and other tracking, The Web Design Ninja can help identify and optimize the most important elements of your business website, making access to your site quick and easy from any mobile device with a professional mobile web design. The Web Design Ninja is proud of its reputation for going the extra mile by testing on various browser platforms to ensure that your company’s most important data – is visible and available on all mobile devices.

The Web Design Ninja’s design expertise can assist in making your company’s branding mobile ready, helping to deliver your message and most compelling site content to current and potential customers with just a glance at their screen.

The Web Design Ninja can also assist in getting your business listed on Google Local, a free online business directory that provides potential customers immediate access to information about your company and its services. Google Local works for all businesses, regardless of size, by making pertinent contact and review information easy to access. Think of it as your local online yellow pages…and then some!

Which mobile Operating System fits your business website?

We can help you with this!

  • iconClick to Call
  • iconMobile Forms
  • iconEasy Navigation
  • iconAuto Detection
  • iconAuto Redirection
  • iconQuick Load Time
  • iconMobile Direction And Maps

What we hence recommend is not a specific Application for each platform, but a Mobile Website that is accessible on all the above platforms. The Benefits are numerous:

  • Making it easy for your customers to reach you via a mobile phone
  • No inconvenient downloads required by your customers
  • Easily accessible on any Mobile Browser hence
  • Multiple development platforms not required
  • Auto Redirection
  • Easy to update and manage